Art Collector
Plays: 3
Points: 1-99: low; 100-300: medium; 500+: high
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
The highs outpay the lows over time so play it every day (if you can). Click here to learn how to obtain paintings.
Beadfruit Bandit
Plays: 8
Points: 1 point per bit
Type: Flash
Recommended? Yes
This game is pretty fast, so make sure you have minimal distractions. There is no way to mute the music/sound on this game, so you may even want to turn off your sound if you find it annoying/distracting. This game takes a bit of getting used to, so it may be a good idea to practice making sharp turns and such. When playing, don't be too risky- take long routes with minimal sharp turns if need be. Be wary of the edges as well- although you can pass through them, it's much easier to keep track of exactly where you're going if you don't pass through them when possible. Also, if you happen to need to pause for some reason and have under 85 points, you can leave the game running while the character passes across the screen and he will chase his tail, but never actually hit it. However, if you have more than 85 points, his tail will be too long and you'll run into it and lose.
Bubbles and Bees
Plays: 8
Points: 10 points per bit
Type: Flash
Recommended? Yes
Start off your game by holding down space to make the biggest bubble possible without it bursting; don't worry too much about esploding the bubble though because you can always try again. *this guide is incomplete because I'm laaaaazy as heck*
Hide & Seek
Plays: 5
Points: 100 for winning, none for losing
Type: Text
Recommended? No
The most successful method in this game seems to be using a checkerboard pattern, then going back and finishing off the red dots.
Higher or Lower
Plays: ?
Points: ?
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
This game has yet to return to sbp, so exact details for the sbp3 version are unknown.
Plays: 8
Points: 1:00 or under: 500; over a minute: Score = 239 - additional seconds
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
The key to this game is being able to concentrate. If music helps, turn it on, but if it's distracting, shut it off while you're playing. If you can, shut off or avoid distractions while playing such as instant messengers, TV, or people. If you're able to somewhat easily get under 1:00, don't send your score if you get over; ex out the window and play again to get under a minute. If you get under a minute all five plays, you would have earned 2500 bits in one day from a single game! If you're not so hot at it and can't get under a minute, don't worry, it's still worth playing if you can get under 2:30.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Plays: 10
Points: 150 for wining, -50 for losing, none for a tie
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
There is no true strategy to this game as it is completely random.
Plays: 8
Points: low scores: 20-200, jackpot: 900-7k, average jackpot: 1k-3k
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
This game should be played every day, regardless if you are "unlucky" or whatnot. If you lose all 8 games one day, it's only 80 bits, which will be more than payed back when you get a jackpot of 1k or more.
Plays: 8
Points: 100 for short word, 200 for longer word
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
For this game you need knowledge of the items on sbp to succeed. If you're not so suave with this game and have trouble, there are a few techniques that will help you get better. First of all, look for key words. A lot of items have more than one word, so learning to quickly identify words such as common flavors (lemon, strawberry, ect.), common colors (green, blue, violet, ect.), pet names (chari, loch, ect.) and common items (plush/plushie, shirt, ect.) will greatly help you, because if you have one word, you can use search to find the other part(s) of the item. One-word items are most commonly minibits, so it may be a good idea to check the minibit list here on Caseatrix. If you're still having trouble, some people have found it helpful to have The Gakkery open, which acts as a list of all the items on sbp.
Beware the Ihua/Uhia and Auhi Plushie/Uhia Plushie: The anagrams for these two sets of items are the same, and thus you have a 50% chance of guessing wrong. The only way around this little problem is if there are capitalized letters, so you can tell the difference, but if you're not so lucky, you can wait for a while and come back later. Doing so will reset the anagram. The time you have to wait is unknown, and it also hasn't been confirmed if this tactic works on sbp3.
Zikkle Zap
Plays: 8
Points: 50 points per bit
Type: Text
Recommended? Yes
The goal in Zikkle Zap is not to clear the board, but instead to pop as many of the same color at once. To achieve this, study your game at the start for a prominent color and try to get as many touching of that color as you can. When trying to get as many of this color touching as you can, don't just aimlessly pop everything that is not that color; notice what you're doing and be strategic. If you don't need to pop a section of zikkles to make the main color touch, then don't. Making a tiny mistake in popping zikkles may result in detaching your main color, which is very frustrating if you're unable to fix it. If you mess up big time though, don't fret too much- just x out your game and start a new one.
When gathering your main color, never leave out an opportunity- if you have 25 zikkles touching, don't assume that those 2 others that you could add to it won't help, because the pop-score increases exponentially, meaning that 27 instead of 25 will increase that pop score immensely. Also avoid popping only two if you can, as this results in 0 points. Aim for a score of 2500+ points when popping your main color, 3200+ being the ideal score. After you've popped your primary color, choose a new main color out of the remaining zikkles. This way, you can make an additional 50-200 points or so on top of your main color score. It's recommended that you send your score only if your final score is above 3000, which is 60 bits.