As I'm sure you've seen somewhere, an old screenie of a very, very old SBP.
This is what SBP looked like when I joined on March 1st, 2006. It changed shortly after to the one below. Also, notice that pets sounded like Clank when you fed them. xD
And here is the inventory at this time. I was a noob and just joined, so I was being a lovely member and making fun of the items. 8D;
The old SB1 forums that I hardly remember, seeing as I was a lurker-fiend.
A specific page on the forums showing the forum limit and old smilies.
Another old forums screen along with chizu's old avvie and signature which spurred up the creation of the Life/Soul of Chizu Plushes.
This is what user profiles looked like on SBP1. Users had a lot of freedom to add atrocious backgrounds and such with these. Also notice the starclub and general noobiness of Zyoko.
Old V1 pet layouts also had a lot of freedom. This was Ryan's cleverly named Chari, the Chari with the gender "0".
This is how you used to create pets. They had "set" personalities back then, which were taken away to make way for more pet individuality near SBPV1's end.
A shot focusing on the Firefly Tsuki layout; a favorite to many users. Back then you could change the theme to many things including Underwater Swimo, Kawa's Bamboo, Chari's Clouds, and Fool's Forest.
The Fool's Forest layout. Also, pets could date back then. Officially. It even added a note to who they were dating on the pet's profiles.
There was a goofy glitch where pets could be super full and veeery happy. xD
Generally the same; a screenie of a pet having its soul sucked out. Also, there was a weird glitch where you could suck out baby pets' souls. And that completely amazing emo avatar.
Back in the day, there were only Solas, none of this Terra, Luna, and Aqua jazz. And this is the message you got when you souled a Ghostling, as well as a Sola avvie.
There used to be a game that gave a random amount of bits. .... I sucked at that game.
And of course, there were events back then. They used to be large, obnoxious, and appeared at the top of every page. Pets did different things back then, such as eating PICTURES and playing with their minibits.
Another picture eater, and now a thief too. Tisk tisk.
Shortly after they were added, the events were organized onto one page and took up less space; a good thing too, because pets were super active then! They read books, went out exploring, participated in tournaments, and gathered stuffing from FLUFFY MUSHROOMS. How awesome is that? I want a Fluffy Mushroom.
Now getting into the SBPV2 screenies, we have the next generation of events. Here we see many pets failing to find things while exploring and a crazy Swimo named Lemon who got happy and decided to make four plushes at once.
And here's a view of the first layout SBP V2 had; a nice Fool one. Also a newly created little Tsuki.
This was either the second or third SBP V2 layout (Taken on October 2nd, 2006), featuring a Chikai. I saved it as a gif, so the quality is deplorable. x:
And a nice autumn layout featuring a Lehti, released right after the Chikai one in October 2006. As you can see, it's also the old Spirit Hunt page from the first year it was running. :3